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Best Gynaec Endoscopy in Ahmedabad

Gynaecological endoscopy is an emerging surgical discipline that manages a variety of disorders in the female reproductive system. The endoscope inserted through the cervix provides direct and accurate visualization of the structures in an intra-uterine cavity.

This diagnostic approach enables doctors to perform simple, fast and low risk operations on selected patients using hallowed instruments. Some examples of these benign surgeries are removal of: small endometrial polyps or clots of blood (HHT), treatment of fibroids with bipolar electro cautery or resection by laser interstitial thermal coagulation (RIL).

Although very efficient, surgery also has severe side effects such as upper airway obstruction with anesthesia induction, pain perception during the perioperative period, infection and bleeding due to tools used for dissection which may cause uterine perforation.

Gynaecological endoscopy as we know it today is possible thanks to the development of certain protocols and advances in surgical equipment and patient monitoring; but also due to advancements in anesthesia, which have allowed for more ambulatory surgeries.

Because of a number of technological advances, this has been possible and led to what is called minimally invasive surgery because very small incisions are made in the patient's skin, which makes it an ambulatory procedure.

Ambulatory Gynaecology Surgery and Treatments

A gynaecological endoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive approach that allows you to undergo various procedures without the need for a major operation. The recovery is prompt and patients can return to daily activities almost immediately once the procedure is over.

Local, regional anesthesia or sedation (light general superficial anesthesia) are used as well as safety precautions. The stress involved with undergoing long, complicated operations is rendered obsolete by these types of surgeries which are located in a fully-equipped operating theatre.

Ambulatory gynecological surgery uses modern optical instruments such as a hysteroscopy, which is inserted into the uterus via the neck of the uterus, or a laparoscope inserted through a tiny incision near your belly button.


Hysteroscopy is ablative, non-invasive, surgical procedure. The patient is given local anesthesia to numb the region and undergo a hysteroscopy under sedation. A hysteroscopy is placed into the uterus via the cervix which allows surgeons to see inside without having to make a large incision or cut.

Operational hysteroscopy

When an endometrial polyp requires removal, the operative hysteroscopy allows for its extraction through a simple and often local or regional topical anesthetic procedure. This procedure requires the use of a surgical hysteroscopy which allows for the introduction of various instruments necessary to carry out this intervention and resolve uterine-related problems such as myomas.


Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique that allows access to the abdominal cavity through a small incision without major surgery. Recovery from this procedure is fast and patients can soon leave the clinic with minimal post-operative complications occurring, with most patients being able to return to work within 24 hours.

This procedure allows for the visualization of the interior genital organs such as the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes so that a diagnosis can be made when patients have been experiencing pelvic pains, in cases of infertility etc.

Different Advantages of Endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery

Recovery time is shorter than with conventional surgery as procedures are shorter and take less time to recover from both in medical centers like smaller clinics, and even when performed at larger hospitals.

The recovery from endoscopic Gynaecological surgery is faster than in classic surgery cases as interventions are short and the patients stay in the medical center for a very short period of time.

Post-operatorial diseases are less plausible than with traditional medical procedure. Benefits of Endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery with Vaginal Access compared to Conventional Techniques.

Why need to use Gynaecological endoscopic surgery?

The gynecological unit offers endoscopic surgery to detect the origin of vaginal hemorrhages or anatomical alterations. We can discern between:

The endometrium, also known as the uterine cavity or endometrial cavity, is an organ in female mammals that responds to estrogen and progesterone.

Alterations can occur within the endometrium due to a number of causes. These alterations may lead to a whole host of problems and concerns that should be addressed when they are uncovered.

Gynaecology involves the observation and treatment of women's reproductive organs. It is an important medical field and is related to obstetrics, but not completely. Relevant specialists are gynaecologists (obstetricians) as well as general practitioners for women.


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